LAW035: Introduction to Legal Learning Skills Assignment, UiTM, Malaysia Ferdy and Anita are husband and wife. They live happily with their two children. One day, Ferdy has being terminated

Ferdy and Anita are husband and wife. They live happily with their two children. One day, Ferdy has being terminated from his job due to his poor performance. He is really frustrated so he threatens his former employer. Mr. Tan with harsh words. Mr. Tan worries about his safety and lodges a police report about the threat.

Anita sympathized with her husband. She asks him politely about the termination, but Ferdy scolded her. They quarreled in front of their children. Ferdy unintentionally divorced her. Anita being very upset, told Ferdy that she will bring their children away from him. Ferdy, who is still angry, hit Anita’s head and making her bleed and become fatigued.

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