The instructions are: One of our assignments is a career interview. You may interview anyone in the criminal justice system. That means lawyers, teachers of criminal justice, cops, non sworn folks

The instructions are: One of our assignments is a career interview. You may interview anyone in the criminal justice system. That means lawyers, teachers of criminal justice, cops, non sworn folks, advocates, social workers working with victims, probation officers, etc. This will be due at the end of the semester. Interview Questions These are a set of prompts that you will structure your interview after. If there are other questions that you would like to ask in addition to this – GO FOR IT!!!! The purpose of this interview is for YOU to learn about the job beyond the job description. 1. What is your job/career and your title? Currently employed with what agency or company or retired? Why did you pick this job/career? 2. What is a typical day like on the job? 3. How hard is it


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