TTSH Ward 8A referred a case to AIC for a client who is moderately disabled. Patient (PT)-Mdm Angela: Nursing Case Study, NUS

TTSH Ward 8A referred a case to AIC for a client who is moderately disabled. Patient (PT)-Mdm Angela, age 80 is widowed and staying alone. She is wheelchair-bound and suffering from dementia. Her only source of support is from her nephew who visits her once weekly. Cluster Support also visits the client a couple of times a week to remind her to take medication.

Mdm Angela stays at Poka Road, which is covered under Service Provider (SP) A. Upon doing the eligibility assessment, AIC colleague Ms. Siti assessed that Mdm Angela will benefit from Integrated Home and Daycare (IHDC) package whereby the SP would provide case management services and develop a care plan which is tailored to PT’s care needs at home and at the daycare center. After considering the service catchment, Ms. Siti assigned the referral to Service Provider (SP) A.

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