I need 3 full paragraphs for each Question. 1,2 and 3. Capter 12. Gender,

I need 3 full paragraphs for each Question. 1,2 and 3.

Capter 12. Gender,Sex, and Sexuality. Please make sure you provide me with at least 3 paragraphs for each question.

1. Despite the us being the “most equal” and prosperous nation on earth, as of 2023, we have yet to elect a female U.S. president. Why is this?

3. Typically, in U.S. culture, men and woman tend to fall back to equal family arrangements that prioritize a male breadwinner and a female homemaker despite both having similar levels professional and educational attainment. Why is that?

2. How do you experience “gender” and “sexuality” in your life? How does the way we socialize our boys influence their role and behavior in family life?


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