In a “Microsoft Word document” indicate (5) unique countries that you would like to conduct research on

Foundations of International Business

Lesson 02 – Step 1 – Select Your Country

In a “Microsoft Word document” indicate (5) unique countries that you would like to conduct research on. Do not use the comments sections for this submission. You will ONLY have to research (1) country, but to minimize redundancy (having students pick the same country) one of your five options will be approved.

Paper Setup: (APA 7th Edition Style). Use Level 1 and 2 APA headings to organize your paper:

o List Country 1 

o Highlight some of the key information about this country. Provide information about historical news and recent trending news about this country. Discuss the political structure, business development, and economic status of this country. Then enlighten the reader as to why you are curious and/or excited about researching this country 

o List Country 2 

o Highlight some of the key information about this country. Provide information about historical news and recent trending news about this country. Discuss the political structure, business development, and economic status of this country. Then enlighten the reader as to why you are curious and/or excited about researching this country 

o List Country 3 

o Highlight some of the key information about this country. Provide information about historical news and recent trending news about this country. Discuss the political structure, business development, and economic status of this country. Then enlighten the reader as to why you are curious and/or excited about researching this country 

o List Country 4 

o Highlight some of the key information about this country. Provide information about historical news and recent trending news about this country. Discuss the political structure, business development, and economic status of this country. Then enlighten the reader as to why you are curious and/or excited about researching this country 

o List Country 5 

o Highlight some of the key information about this country. Provide information about historical news and recent trending news about this country. Discuss the political structure, business development, and economic status of this country. Then enlighten the reader as to why you are curious and/or excited about researching this country 


Upload your assignment as an attachment in MS Word format using the Upload File function. 

Submission will be a minimum of at least 1200 words (approximately 5 pages of actual content, ex. Times New Roman font, double spaced, size 12) in APA style, with a cover page and reference page. Cover page and Reference are NOT included in the 5 page minimum.

1200 word requirement is to be proportionately distributed over the 5 listed countries. (You are NOT writing 1200 words per country). *Some students may feel inclined to provide more support in order to adequately and freely respond to the prompt(s)… therefore feel free to exceed the minimum target if desired. 

Your overall document will be at least 7 pages total, inclusive of cover page and reference page. Your essay will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn so it can be checked for originality. 

While essay questions may be reflective in nature and equally may invoke your personal viewpoint, ensure that you utilize at least (4) references throughout your submission to support your viewpoint and/or position.

You must use level 1 and level 2 headings to organize your paper. Click hereLinks to an external site. for examples. 




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