In order to gain a perspective of the rapid changes in early-twentieth-century s

In order to gain a perspective of the rapid changes in early-twentieth-century society and their direct relation to the plethora of art movements, I would like you to pick ONE year from 1900–1920. Research noteworthy
world events,
and discoveries
from that year and tell HOW you think they influenced the art movements of the 20th century (Be specific- give examples).
You will also have to research the art movements of that time. Don’t tell me each invention for example like, the vacuum cleaner made cleaning faster so artists had more time to work! Think overall what was happening! Look at everything from that year and what did it do to the hearts and minds of people and artists. How did all these things affect artists and their creations. Think about the theories of those art movements and were they developed due to the changes in that year.
Share your findings in an approximately three-five minute video report to the class. You can record yourself, your screen or both.
To create video:Write a script to follow
Create a slide presentation.
and include pictures of what you are presenting. You can open the pictures a head of time on your desktop or phone for recording. You can pause the recording to take a break, close a picture, open another one etc. It will be fun to hear your voices, and if you choose, see your faces. Be sure to check out other students videos to learn about their year and get to know them a little better.
Pay attention to the Due Date! Respond to 2 others within 24 hours of the due date, more if you like, and let them know you watched.
Use Canvas Studio to make your video. You can watch the how to video and/or read the instructions just below it.
Instructions to record screen in Studio (Links to an external site.)
Instructions to record with webcam in Studio (Links to an external site.)
Then upload it to the reply in this discussion. Here are the step by step instructions for it.upload instructions
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