Individual case analysis

Please Upload Both Parts in ONLY ONE document. Uncompleted documents are subject to late submission after the deadline.

For the individual case analysis, please consider two parts.


Part one is the case analysis for the UCW Innovation Fuel Podcast episode. The episode is number S3 E2, “Turning a family recipe into a full-fledged business” uploaded on February 14th.


Your individual assignment mainly assesses your individual strategic thinking and your learnings during the class. Please refer to the “Strategic Thinking” file under week one and the “How to Analyze a Case – Lecture file” under week 2. Also, refer to the lectures of weeks 2, 3 and 4 about the case analysis.

Part one follows the same case analysis steps for a real-life problem discussed in the episode. Listen to the podcast carefully, research for more information, use the already learned tools and propose solutions (10%).

Part two intends to evaluate the strategic and critical thinking of the students and assess how the students can assess the current strategic discussion in today’s business situation. This part will be considered your “Perceptual Acuity” in evaluating business news. First, choose a topic that should be business related (for example, the forecasted recession, ChatGPT, etc.). Second, share the summary of discussions on the news from different outlets. Conduct a market analysis affected by the news and topic (it can be market trend analysis, competition analysis, etc.). Then, elaborate on your thoughts about the topic: Evaluate the situation (strategic case analysis) and write your recommendations as a company’s perspective strategist (5%).

This is 15% of your individual grade.

For how you are assessed for the grades, refer to the rubrics, the strategic thinking file (under week 1), the strategic case analysis file (under week 2), and the course content, especially the book. Also, refer to your learning during the case analysis sessions. In a nutshell, your case analysis should follow:

Read quickly through the case one time.

Assess possible links to strategic concepts.

Reread the case, making notes.

Evaluate the application of strategic concepts.

Formulate an initial recommendation.

Go through the case again to assess the consequences of your proposed actions.

Follow the APA style for your case analysis. I should emphasize that a business case analysis is not an academic essay but gives you a consistent idea for formatting your text.

You can not resubmit your essay if the similarity is high, so please follow the academic integrity rules before submission.

There is no page or word limit for both parts, but it should be comprehensive, concise enough, and reflect on all your learnings during your MBA and the current class to showcase your strategic thinking ability.

Due is May 27th at 11:59 pm.


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