Microsoft PowerPoint

What if you are sick or in lockdown and can’t attend to present?

If there is a risk that you may be sick or busy on the date that your presentation is due, then you can mitigate against disaster by planning ahead and pre-recording your presentation.

Please don’t assume that you lecturer will simply be able to reschedule your presentation. This may be possible but clearly it would not be possible for the whole class to present in the last week, so we need to respect the schedule.

The easiest way to record your presentation is to use Microsoft PowerPoint and add audio to the slides.

There are clear instructions and a demonstration here. All you need is a computer with a microphone to be able to do this.


If you are going to be unable to attend class, email your slides with the audio recording to your lecturer and explain the situation, before the class and also submit them to Blackboard.

If you would like to use some other software to make a video, please discuss that with your tutor and take time to check that the video will play easily as the tutor will not be able to spend time troubleshooting during the class.

Another option may be for you to present live via Collaborate. You could discuss this option with your tutor before the class.

We hope you stay well, but remember this is plan B if things go wrong.


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