Tutorial Presentation

JOUR1000 Tutorial Presentation 20%

In class in week one you will select (or be allocated) a presentation topic from the


Research your topic, looking for reputable sources, official reports and peer-reviewed papers.

Also look for relevant recent media examples or commentary.

Consider the topic in the context of the essay topic it is associated with and, if relevant, in relation to the issues covered in the text and lectures.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share your research with classmates, who may use your sources in their essays.

Aim to present for 10 minutes and to facilitate a class conversation on your topic for 5 minutes.

Submit your PowerPoint (or other file type) to Blackboard on the day of your presentation. If you have made a video presentation put a link to your video and the password into a Word document to submit it to Blackboard. ALSO send it to your tutor the day before your presentation, to save time in class finding it.

To submit your script, copy and paste it onto the last couple of slides of the ppt you submit to Bb. The class doesn’t need to see it, but it can be read at the point of marking on Bb.

Marking rubric:

Elements assessed
Needs work
Getting there

Breadth and depth of your research

5 marks

No extension beyond the link given.
A couple of other sources/examples found.
A good range or research and examples from reputable sources, including peer reviewed work.
A broad range of research and examples that contextualise the presentation topic within the broader theme

Quality of sources and citation

5 marks

Very dubious sources and/or no referencing
Some dubious sources and/or referencing needs more work
Good quality sources and good referencing
High quality sources and perfect APA7 referencing

Clarity of the narrative in your presentation

5 marks

Lack of clarity, originality or order in the presentation of material.
Some good work but a lack of clarity, originality or order in the presentation of material in places.
A clear and original narrative presented in a tidy and readable manner.
Professional quality work on the presentation, delivering a strong, original narrative.

Presentation and facilitation skills and following instructions.

5 marks

Hard to hear or understand, questions handled poorly OR more than 5 minutes over or under time
Unclear or hard to follow in places,

OR more than 3 minutes over or under time.

Confidently spoken, clear and articulate presentation and handling of questions. Good timing. All instructions followed.
Professionally spoken, questions well handled, on time and excellent use of time.



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