Analyze a successful marketing campaign and learn from what made it such a success

Assignment Overview
This analysis paper will give you an opportunity to conduct a critique/analysis of your selected marketing success. Your paper/report is an evaluation analysis and critique of the marketing success, as well as providing details as to why the campaign was so successful.
This is an individual assignment. You will select a successful marketing of your choice (from the list above) and evaluate exactly “what they did right” and why it was so successful. Again, select the marketing success of your choice and conduct a critique/analysis of the campaign.

*Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a successful marketing campaign and learn from what made it such a success. This paper will allow you to delve into the successful marketing campaign to analyze its marketing strategy, targeted market segment, and extract best practices.
*Tasks: In order to complete this assignment, conduct the following:
*Select the marketing success that you want to critique- Kay Jewelers: “Every Kiss Begins with Kay”
*Evaluate this entity’s highly successful campaign
*Analyze “what they did right!”
*Describe the marketing success.
*Discuss why the campaign was so successful.
*Provide feedback/recommendations for improvement in any area(s), if needed.
Be composed in a clear, concise, and professional in appearance, meet the page requirement, and include all of the sections listed for the Assignment, is typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times Roman font, APA style, including in-text citations and a Reference Page of all cited material.


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