List 3-5 topics that were generated from your survey and discussion with your colleagues and campus mentor and identify your chosen research topic

Discussion Topic
Prompt 1: List 3-5 topics that were generated from your survey and discussion with your colleagues and campus mentor and identify your chosen research topic. Your research topic must be related to Special Education.
Prompt 2: Post your ‘draft’ Problem Statement and Research Question(s).
NOTE: If you are not teaching/working summer school and if you do not have access to your colleagues via email or in person, you are advised to reflect on areas of concern that you may have addressed with your colleagues and/or mentor during the previous school year or past school years and generate topics from those reflections. You can also use reflections/reports from faculty meetings, team meetings, etc.
Introduction to Educational Research (3rd ed.) by C. Mertler (2022)
Chapter 1: What is Educational Research
Chapter 2: Overview of the Educational Research Process
Chapter 3: Identifying a Research Problem


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