Research the laws for child abuse reporting, the rules and regulations posted by the Board of Behavioral Health in your community and the ethical standards from that ACA Code of Ethics.

Research the laws for child abuse reporting, the rules and regulations posted by the Board of Behavioral Health in your community and the ethical standards from that ACA Code of Ethics. Provide a list of your findings and highlight the information that you feel is most useful to you as a burgeoning counselor.


        Contracts play an important part of all leasing, whether it be residential or commercial. It is important that the verbiage used on a contract be carefully examined in order to determine the rights and obligations of all parties. For all intents and purposes, presume the contract, as well as all addendums, … Read more

The significance of effective mediated communication.

        Consider what you learned about the significance of effective mediated communication. With so much communication occurring on-line today – in fact, it’s not unusual to find people in adjacent offices using email to communicate to one another – what are some ways to ensure your message is received as it was … Read more

Categories of conflict management styles

            What are the five categories of conflict management styles and the five factor model of personality found in the book? Briefly explain how you think knowing these things about yourself would help in negotiating.

The contributions of artists to society

      Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society? Give specific reasons to support your answer

Crime scene reconstruction

            Crime scene reconstruction depends largely on the efficacy of the crime scene process and the accuracy of data (measurements, angles, location of evidence, condition of evidence, weather at the time of crime, and lighting at the time of the crime. The crime scene investigators must be certain that if … Read more


        Persuasion is a fundamental skill. In this assignment, we will explore persuasion in your everyday life. Exploring persuasive topics can often mean investigating opinions and ideas that are different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful towards your peers and instructor in your discussion post and replies. Create one … Read more


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