After watching the video entitled “Mirror, Mirror: Body Dysmorphic Disorder – Part 1” provide a short paragraph (no more than 50 words) about the reasons why you think the DSM-5 included this disorder under the obsessive-compulsive related disorders. Use concrete examples from the video. (

 After watching the video entitled “Mirror, Mirror: Body Dysmorphic Disorder – Part 1” provide a short paragraph (no more than 50 words) about the reasons why you think the DSM-5 included this disorder under the obsessive-compulsive related disorders. Use concrete examples from the video.


    2.    After watching the video entitled “Dissociative Identity Disorder ” provide a short paragraph (no more than 50 words) about the reasons why you think the  DSM 5 included this disorder under the trauma and stress-related disorders. Use concrete examples from the video.


Please answer the question and demonstrate that you watched and understood the videos. Please answer all parts of the question demonstrating that you have watched the corresponding video and that you understand the content. It’s intended to measure objective understanding of the c

ontent, not for opinions on the topics (unless specifically asked for). No plagiarism!!!


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