Write a three- to five-page historical biography.Your paper should outline the important events of your figure’s life.

This semester, you will write a three- to five-page historical biography. Your paper should outline the important events of your figure’s life. More important, however, it should place your figure within their historical context. What does their life tell us about the world in which they lived? Did they advocate for their people? If so, how? Did they challenge prevailing ideas about Native Americans? Does their life typify the experiences of Native people in their period? No one historical figure will answer all these questions. I want you to focus your paper on who your person is and why their life is important.

Sources: Please cite at least two secondary sources. Although it is possible to cite books for this assignment, you may find it easier to cite articles. These can be found through a variety of online databases. Many students use JSTOR.

Please use standard 12 pt., Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and Chicago-style footnotes.


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