About the heart sutra in buddhism and its connection to the inner awakening of the esoteric through that you need to explain how that helps in human transformation and self understanding to be more fully human

Hello, can you please write a paper based on the presentation and presentation speech I attached. The presentation pdfs is basically what I will write in my essay, I had to present it in class.
The essay needs to be about the heart sutra in buddhism and its connection to the inner awakening of the esoteric through that you need to explain how that helps in human transformation and self understanding to be more fully human. It is basically my thesis, you can change the wording of the thesis but do not change this thesis.
The topic is there. I just need to write it in an essay. Use the human images and religious experience pdfs to help you connect how the heart sutra can help you transform and understand yourself and be more fully human. This is what the paper is all about. Through the idea of esoteric too. Please use the pdfs as thoroughly as possible. I must engage with them a lot. Especially the religious experience one.
Also, use Huston Smith’s words on this and his idea of esoteric. You can search on youtube Huston Smith the esoteric.
Use the pdfs attached ONLY for its tie to religious experience and human transformation. Only use outside sources for the heart sutra and buddhism part. Use the huston smith video on the esoteric for the esoteric part.


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