The Tempest and Cesaire, Aime A Tempest

  Read Shakespeare. The Tempest and Cesaire, Aime A Tempest) 150-200 words max At one point, when his director-friend, Jean-Marie Serreau, asked Césaire if he really
The post The Tempest and Cesaire, Aime A Tempest first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Read Shakespeare. The Tempest and Cesaire, Aime A Tempest)
150-200 words max
At one point, when his director-friend, Jean-Marie Serreau, asked Césaire if he really wanted to undertake the adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Césaire apparently said: “Ok, but I want to do it my way. When I’d finished the job, I realized that there wasn’t much Shakespeare left.”
In this post, please pick a specific character or production element or plot change (for example, the introduction of a new character, the ending of the play, a new scene, a change in the character’s attitude) in Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Césaire’s A Tempest and use it to make an argument about how much Shakespeare there is left in Césaire. You must use 2 quotes from each play (4 quotes in all!).

The post The Tempest and Cesaire, Aime A Tempest first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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