Write a set of instructions on how to use a computer application

Your goal in this assignment is to write a set of instructions on how to use a computer
application. The length of your instructions should be at least five pages, although it
should not exceed the length by more than one page. Your goal is to make it very easy for
potential users to implement your instructions. Use a good combination of text and
images/graphics to help users visualize what you are asking users to do. The size of your
images should be consistent throughout the document, although not too big. Please
provide APA or MLA citations in a reference list documenting the screen captures you use,
particularly if the shots are taken from a source that is not yours. If you like, you can also
include illustrations you create yourself in PowerPoint, cad, paint, with a digital camera etc.
The use of text boxes and arrows may be necessary as well to label various components
within an illustration (see the section of our textbook on writing definitions, descriiptions, and
instructions for more information on writing instructions. Also, review the PowerPoint I
posted on blackboard on how to write instructions).
Writing: First identify a specific purpose and audience for this assignment (who should not
be your instructor) and then write in a clear and concise style characteristic of good
technical writing and in a language and tone appropriate to your audience and purpose.
Topics: You should pick something you are interested in (i.e. school, job, etc.) and you
might illustrate how to complete a computer-based application – choose something that
most students in our course probably don’t know how to do such as:
1. Step-by-step instructions with visuals on anything related to school or career
2. Manipulating visuals in Word
3. Creating diagrams/charts in Word
4. Searching UHD’s online library databases.
5. Registering for classes at UHD.
6. Using other applications in Word such as tables, inserting pictures, changing page
lay-outs, how to rename files, how to create folders and file things in Word, how
to cut-and-paste text, etc.
7. How to create an APA citation from a webpage that you locate on the web.
8. How to make a pdf file using free software.
9. Creating a PowerPoint with visuals.
10. Creating an e-mail account.
11. How to publish to the web using free web services, etc.
Some important notes about this assignment—please read carefully:
A. You need to describe a procedure that you are familiar with. Again, I want you to
look into your experience as a student or current job for ideas. Look for material
that is actually needed so the document has a practical purpose. What I do not
want is for you to prepare instructions for an activity that has been well
documented. In the end, you should be able to cover the “how to” in such a way
that your reader (a non-technical person) will be able to carry out the steps in a
systematic way.
B. Readability:Steps should be written in logical order using active voice. This
process should allow the user the ability to complete each step after reading it one
time. For example:
 Use headings as appropriate & in a LOGICAL ORDER.
 Use bold, italics, font sizes as appropriate and in a consistent manner.
 Be generous with margins& allow white space for visuals
 Use numbers to indicate steps, and make a distinction between what is a
clear step and what is not.
Important: Your instructions project should have the following elements:
1. Introduction/overview.
2. Theory or principles of operation—howdoes it work?
3. List of equipment and materials needed
4. Necessary prior knowledge and/or skills of the user
5. Major steps and procedures
6. Hazard
 Caution—prevent possible mistakes
 Warning—alert user to potential hazard
7. Required steps (body of memo)–how-to instructions—in logical order
 use numbered steps–one instruction each with at the most two or three
related instructions
 use familiar, directlanguage and avoid jargon
 be accurate
 NOTE: use visuals as appropriate—must have at least one
 NOTE: use hazard notices in steps where indicated
 Tips and troubleshootingprocedures
 Glossary (definitions and terms)
NOTE: Your instructions should be at least 10 steps long. Anything short of that is too


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