Choose the most interesting one, and write a post about it. In your post, do the following: 1) Summarize the video (assume some classmates watched a different one).

Follow this link, and watch at least three of the videos. Choose the most interesting one, and write a post about it. In your post, do the following: 1) Summarize the video (assume some classmates watched a different one). When summarizing, try to discern the thesis and main points being made, do not just give … Read more

MN6003 Strategy: Choices and Change Assignment 03

Module Code: MN6003 Module Subject: Strategy – Choices and Change Assignment 03 : Pairs Report on the Leadership and the Implementation of Strategic Change / Tune Group Case Study (30% of Module grade) Background: Throughout this Module, we have been studying strategic planning (prescriptive strategy), and also strategic change (emergent strategy).  Strategic change is what … Read more

MN6066: The Practice of Management Assignment 1 presentation on a chosen Critical Theory and PLC

Module Code: MN6066QA Module Title: The Practice of Management Assignment 1: Team presentations on a chosen Critical Theory and PLC (30%) Background:  Since Week 1, we have been studying Critical Theory (CT), Critical Management Studies (CMS), The Manager of Tomorrow, and Cognitive Diversity.  CMS analyses management and organisations from a ‘critical’ perspective, making use of … Read more

MN6003QA: Strategy, Choices and Change Assessment 1 – Group Presentation on Comparative Strategy and its Influences

Module Code: MN6003QA Module Title: Strategy, Choices and Change Assessment 1:  Group Presentation on Comparative Strategy and its Influences (30% of  module mark) Selection of one of the eight (8) pairs listed below to investigate[1] Your group must choose one of the nine (9) pairs of organisations listed below (each team choose a different pair, … Read more

MBA501 Dynamic Strategy and Disruptive Innovation

. Assessment 3 Information Subject Code: Subject Name: Assessment Title: Assessment Type: Length: Weighting: Total Marks: Submission: Due Date: Your task MBA501 Dynamic Strategy and Disruptive Innovation Disruptive Innovation, Corporate Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Leadership Individual video recording 10 minutes (no more) 30% 100 Online Week 13 You are required to review an organisational case study … Read more

Project Management Risk

1) Mention UK standards as requested. 2) You have to consider the factors for choosing the cable size but it is expected to show calculations to select correct cable size. 3) Technically cover the point of *Identify the design elements require to advance this scheme* 4) Check all points in *Project Management Risk* *Safety Risk* … Read more


Final Assessment Unit Details Name Economics for Business Code HI5003 Trimester, Year Trimester 1, 2023   Assessment Details Name Final Assessment Due Date 16 June, 2023 Due Time 3.00 pm Weight 50%     Student Number     First Name     Family Name     INSTRUCTIONS Duration ·       24 hours LATE SUBMISSIONS ARE NOT … Read more

Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Success ASSIGNMENTS

  Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Success ASSIGNMENTS   Task: Assessment is by one assignment, a critical essay of 5000 words (100%) which integrates theory and practice. The assignment must include a clear structure with an abstract, a list of references and, where appropriate, appendices and diagrams. You must make appropriate use of journal articles and … Read more

CHCLEG001 Work Legally and Ethically – Ageing

                STUDENT ASSESSMENT BOOKLET-I [Theory Tasks]                 CHCLEG001 Work Legally and Ethically – Ageing     Level 3, 4 Railway Parade Burwood, NSW, 2134 Email: RTO Code: 45342 Student Name:                    ___________________________       © 2020 Advance College Advance College … Read more


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