Discuss and critique the project team’s approach to the management of project risk. Analyze the approach to stakeholder: Crossrail Implementation Case Study, HU

Discuss and critique the project team’s approach to the management of project risk.
Analyze the approach to stakeholder management.
Decide to what extent you believe the project (or some aspects of it) should be seen as a success. Critique and compare your view with that of others and justify your position. Having reviewed risk management, stakeholder management, and the success or failure of the project what lessons can be learned?
From above (and wider projects investigations in a similar field) what can you offer to help the profession of project management in their applied application to projects? Specifically, if you were writing an article for the Association of Project Managers what would you highlight to the readers to help them in their careers and to do their own jobs better?
Overall quality of writing, presentation, and academic standards.

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