Answer the following questions upon reviewing the attached dissertation document

Answer the following questions upon reviewing the attached dissertation document.
1. What is the title and who is the author of this dissertation?
2. Who were the committee members, and were you able to identify which committee person was the author’s primary faculty advisor (if so, which committee member)
3. What area of student affairs does the dissertation examine, and what appears to be the “issue” this dissertation attempts to address?
4. What are the dissertation’s research questions?
5. What theoretical or conceptual framework and/or research paradigm does the dissertation cite?
6. What methodology does the dissertation use, is it quantitative or qualitative?
7. What is one research journal article this dissertation references, and what is the reference to that article, or in other words, how does that article inform the dissertation.
8. What are the findings of the dissertation?
9. What is one opportunity for future research the dissertation suggests?


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