Hey! The essay has to be 5-8 pages long but please do at least 6 pages. Please d

Hey! The essay has to be 5-8 pages long but please do at least 6 pages. Please don’t use super big and complex words because last time I used a top writer my teacher had a feeling that I did not write my essay. I will be attaching the rubrics and full explanation of the guidelines of the essay below. The rubric mentions a one page executive summary of the report so please don’t forget to leave that out! Thanks in advance for your help! Please message me if you have any questions.
Research Paper Topic: Identify a multinational Company that has invested in Africa. Study the historical events of its investment in the African host country. Clearly identify and analyze its entry mode and business model in the host country. Explain the motivations for its investment. Analyze the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in Africa. Here are some companies you may choose from:
• Shell Nigeria
• Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• Vodafone
• General Electric
• Volkswagen
• Standard Bank Group
• Jumia
You may also choose to analyze any company operating in Africa.


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