Alright, here it goes! Your Final Project is in two parts: PART 1 (20 POINTS) Re

Alright, here it goes! Your Final Project is in two parts:
PART 1 (20 POINTS) Revisit the 2 paragraphs on pages 22-23 in Owning Your Own Shadow. These two paragraphs start with, “There are times when the shadow also crops up in one’s profession” (22). For “profession” here, think of your “professional” relationships, as an employee, parent, athlete, boss, etc.
Johnson talks in this section of conducting a ceremony or ritual to “pay out” to the shadow. For instance, he talks about writing a horror story. I’m asking you to do something like this. You could write a story, several “dark” poems or songs. For those of you who are visual artists, see options at bottom. If you’d like to do a short film (of sorts), that’s also welcome–it’s however you make sense of what Johnson is saying here (and throughout the book). The key, though, is that you’re giving voice to your shadow in some way as a ritualistic way of restoring balance.
In your last Flip Grid, you’ll be sharing it with the class. If it’s a long story, you may not want to read the whole thing. But however much you share, I’m asking (in the Flip Grid only) to talk about what you were trying to get out, quoting from Johnson. For this Final Project, you’ll just be turning in the creative work.
PART 2 (20 POINTS)Read to the end of the book, and write in essay format about the major concepts.
1. (5 points) What do you make of contradiction vs. paradox? Can you make any connections to our world or your personal life or both? Where do you see contradictions? Where might there be paradox? What is he meaning here?
2. (5 points) What is the last section on Mandalora about? Note: do you best. These are not easy concepts. I’m looking for total mastery and understanding but that you’re “reasonably working” the material.
3. (5 points) Effort is where this is at and that you’re using the sandwich method to bring in quotes. In fact, whenever stuck, bring in more quotes. Let Johnson carry the heavy burden of his concepts.
4. (5 points) You’ll want this to part of your final project to be at least 3 pages. You can bring in concepts from earlier in the book to help ground the readers but at a minimum (1 page total). In your last Flip Grid, you’ll be sharing some of these concepts with the rest of the class.
I would also need to present it in a video. will you be able to also explain it or write me a little presentation on explaining what you wrote and why you wrote it?
In your last Flip Grid, you’ll be sharing it with the class. If it’s a long story, you may not want to read the whole thing. But however much you share, I’m asking (in the Flip Grid only) to talk about what you were trying to get out, quoting from Johnson. For this Final Project, you’ll just be turning in the creative work.


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