Assessment 2: Applying organisational behaviour

Length: 2500 words (+/-10%)

Understanding organisational behaviour provides you with insights on how and why employees behave the way they do in your organisation. Understanding these insights will enable you to put in place measures that can help retain employees and improve morale. There are many complex problems that organisations encounter. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a shift in the way that we work. During the height of the pandemic, many organisations pivoted to a remote workforce model, and many organisations have now adopted the hybrid work model, with some who are still fully remote.

Arguments have been made for the benefits and pitfalls to working remotely, with many of the reasons arguing against a remote workforce being that organisational culture suffers as a result of remote work.

In this assessment, you will argue whether a remote workforce is beneficial or not beneficial for an organisation of your choice. You will choose an organisation that that you have either:

worked at;

know well; or

is a fictitious organisation that you make up.

The organisation must have more than 250 employees. It might be an international organisation or Australian but is distributed (with offices in more than one state or country, for example, Google, Atlassian, McDonalds).


1.    Provide an introduction to the organisation including the current issues that the organisation faces with implementing a remote workforce, with reference to human behaviour. (500 words)

2. Justify the most appropriate modern organisational behaviour theory that explains the organisational behavioural issues that the organisation is encountering. (500 words)

3.    Analyse the factors that are impacting on the organisational culture with reference to ethical accountability, confidence and mental health. (1000 words)

Recommend improvements for the organisation to implement to take positive steps towards resolving the factors that are impacting on the organisation. (500 words)


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