Assignment was done by one of the writers but was incomplete. Instructor gave ex

Assignment was done by one of the writers but was incomplete. Instructor gave extra instructions and will like you to add necessary information.
feedback i got from instructor:
module 2
This is a good start, but you must analyze all 14 indicators in the dashboard.
For slide 1, add information about the NDNQI indicators.
In your analysis slide 2 – initially just list all the indicators that are performing well and those that are not. All 14 indicators must be included between the two lists.
Go more in-depth with discussion of findings. The information you included on slide 3 was more findings related. Do that for most or all of the indicators.
Add citation support to the information on slide 5 and then also address what is needed to create a dashboard. Support that information as well with citations.
Once you have done that, narrow the focus of your presentation down to one of the indicators needing improvement on which to create your PI plan. Give a rationale for your choice using data from the dashboard and information from the literature regarding what happens to patient outcomes when that indicator does not perform well.
This presentation is not narrated and should not use the notes features on the slides. Make slides self-explanatory. The idea is that staff can easily read through the presentation and understand where they are for all 14 indicators and what they need to do about the one in the PI plan.
module 3
This is a little off track. Please choose 1 of the indicators from your analysis that needs improvement and provide 3-4 best practices to address that indicator. Each best practice should come from a different supporting source. Describe the best practice and include how implementing it can improve the indicator rates. I recommend putting each best practice on its own slide with all its related information.
Use of graphics is encouraged in the presentation.


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