(review) the following chapters for this first unit, which are the substitute re

(review) the following chapters for this first unit, which are the substitute readings for the textbook’s readings.
The following are the chapters you are required to read for this unit:
• Chapter 7 (Global Stratification)
• Chapter 8 (Social Class in the United States)
• Chapter 9 (Race and Ethnicity)
Upon reading the assigned chapters please select one of these chapters that you found most interesting. Please provide me with a well-elaborated explanation of why this was your best chapter. Please submit your report (review) by covering the following parts:
• Part 1: Give a brief (subtle) descriiption of each of the three chapters to demonstrate to me you understand each of the chapters.
• Part 2: Upon producing a brief review of each of the three chapters, then, explain your preferred chapter. Explain to me why you believe to be the most interesting in the study of society and


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