Modern Marketing Management INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT

       INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT – 1CourseMBA  Modern Marketing ManagemetSemester2Total Marks:15

Q.1.Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)A.Summarize the various functions of MarketingB.Explain Concept of ‘Brand’. How and why various Branding Decisions are are made?C.Describe the various sales management concepts helping to manage the sales department effectively

Q.2.Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each – Word limit – 100)A.Product differentiationB.Buyer behaviour modelC.Definition of MarketingD.Objectives and importance of marketing researchE.Core Marketing Concepts

       INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT – 2CourseMBA  Modern Marketing ManagemetSemester2Total Marks:15

Q.1.Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500)A.Marketing research is not free of limitations. ExplainB.Describe any one consumer behaviour model which is relevant to today’s situationC.Define Marketing Research. Explain Scope of Marketing Research

Q.2.Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each – Word limit – 100)A.Factors Influencing Organizational BuyersB.Business Markets and buying behaviourC.Macro Environment in marketingD.The target market selection processE.Product decisions

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