Articulate and apply a philosophy for using play to support language acquisition, and mathematical and scientific learning: BA in Early Childhood Teaching & Learning Assignment, NUIM, Ireland

  • Articulate and apply a philosophy for using play to support language acquisition, and mathematical and scientific learning with children giving examples of how this happens in your setting.
  • Identify the successes and challenges encountered in supporting and providing for a literacy, numeracy and scientific-rich indoor and outdoor enquiry-based learning environment in your setting.
  • Describe how you could utilise pedagogical knowledge in better supporting young children’s literacy, numeracy and scientific enquiry development in your environment.
  • Select and review new appropriate resources and/or materials for developing literacy, numeracy and scientific enquiry with young children in your setting. Analyse how they would support you in promoting literacy, numeracy and scientific enquiry. 20%
  • Link with current and appropriate literature.
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