Ethics and Sustainability

Assessment Brief
Program Bachelor of BusinessMarketing Research and Data Analysis
Subject code MGT301A
Subject name Ethics and Sustainability
Assessment title Self-Reflection Report
Group or individual assessment Individual
Length 1200 words
Learning outcomes addressed a) Analyse the concept and theories of Corporate Social Responsibility and how it relates to ethical business practices.
b) Identify and describe the principal trends driving corporate ethics and sustainability
c) Appraise CSR from the perspectives of stakeholder interests at a national and international level
d) Describe and evaluate the impact that foreign social norms and standards may have on international business
e) Compare and contrast the legal versus ethical compliance of CSR from the perspectives of various stakeholders, and the impact on the legislative framework surrounding corporate existence.
f) Critically analyse and judge the relationship between ethical branding and corporate reputation.
Submission date Week 12 (See Learning Portal assessment submission for date and time)
Total marks 100 Marks
Weighting 30%
Assessment Brief:
The purpose of this assignment is for students to reflect on a business decision/practice ethical or unethical that the student has researched whilst studying this subject.
In consideration of themselves as emergent professional practitioners and corporate citizens, each student is to critically analyse their ethical position in relation to a business decision/practice undertaken by an organisation and the impact of this decision on its stakeholders. Material and Resources/ Finding a Topic:
Over the duration of the course, students should collate material and resources for this assessment.
Students should think about what they are reading each day in the newspapers with regards to CSR, sustainability and business ethics.
Consider the following:
Since starting this course are there any topics that have been brought to your attention which may question principles/ethics or business decisions that you have never thought about before? These are the very concepts that you should be exploring and discussing in your self reflection report. For example, did you watch the recommended documentary in Week 1 – The Corporation? Were there any business practices or organisations in this documentary that made you want to research further or challenge their business ethics?
This assessment allows you to express your personal opinion regarding a particular subject. This selfreflective assessment can be created in response to any business decision or practice that an organisation chooses to implement.
Find a topic that you are interested in learning more about, research the facts and then develop your standpoint. The best submissions are those whereby students show a passion for their chosen topic. Remember that this is the only assessment in this course which allows you articulate your own wellsubstantiated opinion. Your voice should be objective recognising both sides of the issue
Preparing your report
Please see a few suggestions below which may come in useful when preparing your report.
1. You may facilitate this report in first person /point-of-view. Use statements like -I recommend- and -it is my opinion that- to let the audience know that you are expressing your own voice and not only stating facts.
2 Introduce the subject of your report and provide background context. For example, if you are focusing on the issues surrounding conflict diamonds, explain what conflict diamonds are and what is involved in the practice.
3. Outline impact of the business decision or practice on the stakeholders.
4. Identify the main issues involved in the practice/decision. How does it effect the reputation of the organisation? Comment on the relationship between ethical branding and corporate reputation if appropriate.
5. Identify any legislation which prohibits/supports the practice – how effective is it? If you believe it to be ineffective, what recommendations would you put in place?
6. Outline where you believe the future lies or should lie. Include your recommendations moving forward.
7. End your report with a summary of the topic, state your opinion regarding the practice/issue/organisation and why you hold this belief, support your argument. Reflect on how your belief/opinion/awareness has changed since the beginning of the course.
Marking criteria:
Excellent 2125 marks Very good 16-20 marks Good
11-15 marks Fair
6-10 marks Poor
0-5 marks
Facilitate a thought provoking and informative paper.
Identify, evaluate and critique an ethical/unethical/ sustainable business practice.
Ability to articulate a researched and well substantiated (objective) opinion
Mature approach to the material
Total /100 marks


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