No matter how careful an organization is at managing cybersecurity threats, we k

No matter how careful an organization is at managing cybersecurity threats, we know that there will always be bad actors willing to take advantage of any vulnerabilities present. While having a good defensive posture is imperative to maintaining the safety and security of an organization, organizations must look at countermeasures to augment their security posture.
Pick two of the following countermeasure tools and provide both the pro and con arguments for employing each. Be sure to describe the countermeasures you have selected in detail before discussing the pros and cons.
intrusion-detection systems
operating system hardening
In addition, we looked at some cybersecurity prevention techniques. Discuss at least one technique that seems to have some efficacy in helping deter cybercrime. Discuss the pros and cons of the selected technique and support your assertions with citations.
Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support the ideas and suggestions with citations. After you have posted your initial thoughts, please take the time to read and thoughtfully reply (at least 100 words) to 2 other classmates.
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