Reference Mini Case 1 and Mini Case 2 found in your module resources. Students w

Reference Mini Case 1 and Mini Case 2 found in your module resources. Students will submit a context diagram for the order system, and create a decision table, to be submitted as a Word document. Your document should also include a narrative explaining each. 
Reference the following Mini Case 1 and Mini Case 2 (Also found in Module Resources). Students will submit a context diagram for the order system, and create a decision table, to be submitted within a Word document. Your document should also include a narrative explaining each.
Complete the following tasks:
Mini Case 1: Kitchen Gadgets task
Mini Case 2: Big State University task
Mini Case 1: Kitchen Gadgets
Kitchen Gadgets sells a line of high-quality kitchen utensils and gadgets. When customers place orders on the company’s website or through electronic data interchange (EDI), the system checks to see if the items are in stock, issues a status message to the customer, and generates a shipping order to the warehouse, which fills the order. When the order is shipped, the customer is billed. The system also produces various reports.
Draw a context diagram for the order system.
Mini Case 2: Big State University
The Big State University course catalog reads as follows: “To enroll in MIS 260, which is an advanced course, a student must complete two prerequisites: MIS 120 and MIS 222. A student who completes either one of these prerequisites and obtains the instructor’s permission, however, will be allowed to take MIS 260.”
Create a decision table that describes the Big State University course catalog regarding eligibility for MIS 260. Show all possible rules.
What to Submit
Homework Activity Module Four should follow these formatting guidelines: 1–2 pages, double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA.
See attached mini cases.


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