MSP100: What are you Studying? or What is your Preferred Field of Work?: Career Learning: Managing Your Career Assignment, MU

Point 2:

You need to have incorporated responses to the following questions:

What are you studying? /  What is your preferred field of work? (I study Bachelor in Marketing, the field of work can be randomly applicable)

What are your strengths, values, and career interests? (can be random)

What problem would you like to solve?

How would you like to have an impact or add value?

Select what Skills and Murdoch Attributes you developed or evidenced when developing and delivering your Pitch

Self-Management (including the skills to find or create work and having resilience)
Teamwork and Leadership development
Digital Literacy
Critical / Creative thinking and Problem-solving
Showing Initiative, Enterprising and Proactive
Verbal / Written / Interpersonal Communication
Financial Literacy
Planning and Organisation
Discipline / Technical expertise (relevant to degree major)
Ability to develop interdisciplinary knowledge (beyond degree major)
A Global Perspective and awareness of Economic Interdependence
Ethics (personal, professional, or social)
Social Justice / Social Responsibility and appreciation of Cultural Diversity
Commitment to your own Learning (including applying knowledge gained from your degree)

To complete this assessment, you are going to

1. Create a professional profile for use on digital platforms

2. Create a short video of your professional pitch

3. Reflect on how you can use your professional digital profile and pitch to promote your employability to future employers.

Things that must inform your reflection and discussion:

What is the professional image you want and/or need to convey to others?

Is there an expected standard or ‘type’ within your field and if so, how might this influence you?

What are the values you want others to understand about you and the work you do or hope to do in the future?
Are there things you would not do; clients or partnerships you would not take on; for reasons of values, ethics, or business practices? Could this be problematic? How might you address this?
What elements of a professional network do you already have?
What elements of a professional network will be beneficial for you to develop and how can you go about doing this?
What can you offer to others in your professional network?

Important: You should write this as a coherent piece of text with properly constructed sentences and paragraphs, and it should have a logical flow through the different points of discussion.

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