The morphosyntactic analysis assignment focuses on identifying morphological and

The morphosyntactic analysis assignment focuses on identifying morphological and syntactic writing errors that are often influenced by the writer’s (First Language Learner) L1. Often these errors impede reading comprehension of the writer’s message. Without understanding of (Second Language Acquisition) SLA, morphology and syntax, (Second Language Learner) L2 writing errors could be mistaken for a learning … Read more

Discussion 4 – Reducing Discrimination [Due: Wed., July 19th at 11:59 PM] Discus

Discussion 4 – Reducing Discrimination [Due: Wed., July 19th at 11:59 PM] Discussion 4 Reducing Discrimination Patterson (2013) discussed the development and adjustment of children of gay and lesbian parents in the article, Children of lesbian and gay parents: Psychology, law and policy. Briefly describe what research has found regarding these children’s development and adjustment. … Read more


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