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 Select 2 companies in the same industry (for example, the home improvement indu

 Select 2 companies in the same industry (for example, the home improvement industry or the candy industry). Use the Internet to find the companies’ financial statements.  From the financial statements, list the different components from the Stockholder’s Equity section. Read the footnotes to the financial statements to see what they disclose about their Stockholder’s Equity … Read more

  The second assignment due in Unit 6 is a project. For the project, you will be

  The second assignment due in Unit 6 is a project. For the project, you will be analyzing a case and communicating your results with a PowerPoint presentation. In this assignment, you will be assessed based on the following outcomes: GB513-4: Evaluate real-world situations and present solutions using statistical methods. PC-6.1: Incorporate data, inferences, and reasoning to … Read more


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