Assessment 1 Week-6: UML Modelling for a shopping mall

Assessment 1(    ) Information and Rubric

Subject Code ICT505Subject Name Software DevelopmentAssessment Number and Title Assessment 1 Week-6: UML Modelling for a shopping mallAssessment TypeLab ActivityLength / Duration 45 MinutesWeighting % 10%Total Marks 100SubmissionOnline SubmissionDue DateWeek-6 (Sunday 23:59)ModeFace-to-Face in class IndividualFormatResponse to Q/A on a world file and submit via link provided.

Assessment Description and Instructions

The purpose of this assessment is to test students understanding of UML modeling concepts and their ability to analyze and apply them to a real-world scenario. Take your time to carefully review the case model and provide well-thought-out responses.

Assessment: UML Modelling for a shopping mall

Assessment Brief: A UML case model of a shopping mall is given in the figure 6.1.

Instructions: Students are required to review the provided case model for a shopping mall in UML notation. Based on the case model, answer the following questions, and complete the tasks.

Identify at least three use cases represented in the case model.

a) Use Case 1:

b) Use Case 2:

c) Use Case 3:

Figure 6.1: Shopping Mall UML Case Model


1-Explain the purpose of the “Manage Stores” use case. What functionalities does it encompass? (2 Marks)

2-Draw a sequence diagram illustrating the flow of events for the “Process Sales” use case. Include at least three relevant objects and their interactions (2 Marks)

3-Create a class diagram to represent the relationships between the “Manage Inventory” and “Manage Stores” use cases. Include appropriate associations and attributes. (2 Marks)

4-Choose one of the identified use cases and create an activity diagram to represent the flow of activities for that particular use case (2 Marks)

5-Propose one additional use case that could enhance the functionality of the shopping mall system. Provide a brief description of the use case and explain its importance (2 Marks)

Submission Guidelines:

Final Outcomes and submission:

Provide your answers and completed tasks in a neatly organized document and submit to a link on your Moodle.

Students are expected to follow all the during the lab work activity in week 6, the final online submission would be a file containing the response to all questions/tasks.

Clearly label each question and task.

Ensure that your diagrams are clear, legible, and properly labeled.

ICT505 Assessment 1 week-6 Marking Rubric UML Modelling for a shopping mall

Marking Criteria should add up to 100%F (Fail) 0-49%P (Pass) 50-64%C (Credit) 65-74%D (Distinction) 75-84%HD (High Distinction) 85-100%TASK-1 20     TASK-2 20     TASK-3 20     TASK-4 20     TASK-5 20     

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