MPM712 – Managing Innovation

MPM712 – Managing Innovation – Trimester 2 2023

Assessment Task 4 – Report – Individual Assignment

DUE DATE AND TIME:                          Tuesday 10th October, by 8:00pm (AEST)


WORD COUNT:                                   3000 words  


The Purpose: The final assessment is specifically designed to allow students to pull together the key insights from unit to apply these to an organisational setting.  The content from the podcasts, slides, readings and discussion boards will all be useful in completing this assessment.

The Audience: Your audience for this report is the senior leadership team of the organisation. You need to write your report in the style and format which is appropriate for this audience.  

The Task: Based on the case information provided you are required to analyse the managing innovation challenges and opportunities within this organisation. Your deliverable is a business report for the senior leadership team which provides an in-depth analysis of the organisation’s innovation management capability and can act as a toolkit for them to accelerate innovation within the organisation. 

Specific Requirements 

You need to produce a business report of 3000 words in total (excluding the title page, index,

diagrams/tables, the list of references and any appendixes). The format of the report is up to you to decide but it is suggested that all reports have the following sections:

Title page


Executive summary

Content of the report (your choice of the sections and sub-sections but here is one suggestion) o Overview of context o How innovation is managed o Innovation management issues o Proposed solution to accelerating innovation.


Appendix (if needed, but keep these to a minimum and make sure that you summarise and reference any information in the appendices in the main section of your report) 

Learning Outcomes

This task allows you to demonstrate achievement towards the unit learning outcomes. The ULOs are aligned with specific graduate learning outcomes – that is, the skills and knowledge graduates are expected to have upon completion of their studies – and this assessment task is an important tool in determining achievement of those outcomes.  

If you do not demonstrate achievement of the unit learning outcomes, you will not be successful in this unit.  It is good practice to familiarise yourself with the ULOs and GLOs as they provide guidance on the knowledge, understanding and skills you’re expected to demonstrate upon completion of the unit. In this way they can be used to guide your study.

Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO)Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)ULO 1: Appraise and integrate the components of innovation management to show how they interact to achieve innovative outcomesGLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO2: CommunicationULO 2: Evaluate the key drivers of innovation and debate the future challenges to innovation within organisationsGLO5: Problem solving


You are to submit your assignment in the individual Assignment Dropbox in the MPM712 CloudDeakin unit site on or before the due date. 

When uploading your assignment, name your document using the following syntax: <your surname_your first name_your Deakin student ID number_[unitcode].doc (or ‘.docx’). For example, ‘Jones_Barry_123456789_MPM712.doc’. 

Submitting a hard copy of this assignment is not required.

You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has been returned to you.  In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy.

Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.

When you submit an assignment through your CloudDeakin unit site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment Dropbox folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.


Marking and feedback

The marking rubric for this task is below and also available in the MPM712 CloudDeakin unit site – in the Assessment folder (under Assessment Resources). 

It is always a useful exercise to familiarise yourself with the criteria before completing any assessment task. Criteria act as a boundary around the task and help identify what assessors are looking for specifically in your submission. The criteria are drawn from the unit’s learning outcomes ensuring they align with appropriate graduate attribute/s.

Identifying the standard, you aim to achieve is also a useful strategy for success and to that end, familiarising yourself with the descriptor for that standard is highly recommended. 

Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin when the final results are released for T2 2023.


Extensions will only be granted as per Faculty and University policy.

Students or groups seeking an extension for an assignment prior to the due date should apply directly through the extension application tool on the unit site. The extensions in this unit are managed by the FACULTY AND NOT THE UNIT CHAIR OR THE LECTURER.

Late submissions: If you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension or special consideration, 5% will be deducted from the available marks for each day after the due date up to seven days*. Work submitted more than seven days after the due date will not be marked and will receive 0% for the task. The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date. *’Day’ means calendar day for electronic submissions and working day for paper submissions.

An example of how the calculation of the late penalty based on an assignment being due on a Thursday at 8:00pm is as follows:

1 day late: submitted after Thursday 11:59pm and before Friday 11:59pm– 5% penalty.

2 days late: submitted after Friday 11:59pm and before Saturday 11:59pm – 10% penalty.

3 days late: submitted after Saturday 11:59pm and before Sunday 11:59pm – 15% penalty.

4 days late: submitted after Sunday 11:59pm and before Monday 11:59pm – 20% penalty.

5 days late: submitted after Monday 11:59pm and before Tuesday 11:59pm – 25% penalty.

6 days late: submitted after Tuesday 11:59pm and before Wednesday 11:59pm – 30% penalty.

7 days late: submitted after Wednesday 11:59pm and before Thursday 11:59pm – 35% penalty.


The Division of Student Life provides a range of Study Support resources and services, available  throughout the academic year, including Writing Mentor and Maths Mentor online drop ins and the SmartThinking 24 hour writing feedback service at this link. If you would prefer some more in depth and tailored support, make an appointment online with a Language and Learning Adviser.



Any material used in this assignment that is not your original work must be acknowledged as such and appropriately referenced. You can find information about plagiarism and other study support resources at the following website

Academic misconduct

For information about academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this Unit in the first folder next to the Unit Guide in the Resources area of the CloudDeakin unit site.

                                         erformance Levels/CriteriaN (0-29)N (30-49)P (50-59)C (60-69)D (70-79)HD (80-100)Appraise and assess key innovation management challenges within a work-based context ULO1 GLO1 GLO2 (10 marks)Does not clearly describe challenges relating to innovation management without ambiguities or provide clear context for complex issues.Rarely clearly describe challenges relating to innovation management without ambiguities or provide clear context for complex issues.Clearly describes challenges relating to innovation management, including the context, delivering all relevant information necessary for advanced and integrated understanding.Clearly and expertly describes challenges relating to innovation management, including the context, delivering all relevant information necessary for advanced and integrated understanding.Consistently, clearly and expertly describes challenges relating to innovation management, including the context, delivering all relevant information necessary for expert, and specialised understanding.Consistently, clearly, succinctly and expertly describes challenges relating to innovation management, including the context, delivering all relevant information necessary for expert, and specialised understanding.Detail suggested changes to managing innovation to ensure ongoing innovative outcomes ULO1 GLO1 GLO2 (10 marks)Provides no guidance as to how innovation might be skilfully and creatively managed in a manner that addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem.Provides limited guidance as to how innovation might be skilfully and creatively managed in a manner that adequately addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem.Provides satisfactory guidance as to how innovation might be skilfully and creatively managed in a manner that satisfactorily addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem.Provides expert guidance as to how innovation might be skilfully and creatively managed in a manner that adequately addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem.Provides very good authoritative and expert guidance as to how innovation might be skilfully and creatively managed in a manner that addresses sufficiently multiple contextual factors of the problem.Provides outstandingly authoritative and expert guidance as to how innovation might be skilfully and creatively managed in a manner that excellently addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem.

  Utilise the most appropriate innovation models, frameworks and theories in the analysis and the proposed solutions. ULO2 GLO5 (10 marks)Lacking support for discussion.Inappropriate sources used to support discussion.  Provided evidence to support analysis and proposed solutions from numerous sources.  Provided evidence to support analysis and proposed solutions from academic sources but breadth or depth could be improved.Provided good evidence to support analysis and proposed solutions from solid academic sources.  Provided strong evidence to support analysis and proposed solutions from a wide breadth and depth of academic sources.Presentation of concepts of innovation management ULO1, GLO1, GLO2 (5 marks)  Presentation, language, style, and grammar are inappropriate. The presentation of the report totally impedes meaning. Always uses inappropriate and/or irrelevant sources for information on organisations chosen.Presentation, language, style, and grammar need significant attention. Report some errors that impede meaning.  Mostly uses inappropriate and/or irrelevant sources for information on organisations chosen.  Presentation, language, style, and grammar have room for improvement. Report conveys the messages but lacks consistency or clarity. Moderately uses appropriate, and relevant sources for information on organisations chosen. Presentation, language, style, and grammar are of reasonable standard. Report conveys the messages clearly. Mostly uses appropriate, and relevant sources for information on organisations chosen. Presentation, language, style, and grammar are of a high level. Report demonstrates clarity and fluency in communication throughout the report. Consistently uses appropriate and relevant sources for information on organisations chosen. Presentation, language, style, and grammar are exemplary. Report demonstrates a high level of clarity and fluency and is virtually error-free. Consistently and effectively uses appropriate, and relevant sources for information on organisations chosen.Overall 35N 0 – 10.2N 10.5 – 17.2P 17.5 – 20.7C 21 – 24.2D 24.5 – 27.7HD 28 or above

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