Data analysis, technology, curriculum, and instruction. (NELP 4.1, 4.4) In part

Data analysis, technology, curriculum, and instruction. (NELP 4.1, 4.4) In part 1, as the principal at your (elementary, middle, or high) school, explore, analyze, and describe the school setting and the types of assessment data available for your analysis, and write a narrative describing the specific assessment data analysis in which you will engage. To demonstrate your ability to use technology to monitor, analyze, and evaluate curriculum, instruction and use of technology (NELP 4.4), you will access performance management system data and use an appropriate technology tool (e.g. Excel, SPSS), to analyze summative assessment data related to your schools’ curriculum, including students’ learning scores for standardized or diagnostic tests, and any other appropriate data available. Look for patterns and areas of concern linked to specific standards. Identify any indicators for which the data indicate students’ learning gaps. Based on the data you analyze, write SMART goals to address the concern. Include an analysis and description of the school setting and the types of data available for your analysis, the link/s to the tools used to analyze data, and a table with the data. Also, display the data in a graphical representation. Gather the standards-the State instructional expectations-related to the data (NELP 7.4). Write a narrative that names and explains the standards that are areas of concern. After completing these steps, read the School Improvement Plan or other improvement plans. Analyze the problems addressed by the plan. Do they address the issue you identified as an area of concern? Explain (NELP 4.1).
Next, you will demonstrate your ability to engage faculty in synthesizing and using data to evaluate the school’s curriculum (NELP 4.4). Describe the collaboration and communication strategies and technology tools you will use to share the information you analyzed with the teachers who teach the classes related to the identified areas of concern and how you will share the data to engage faculty in the process of synthesizing the data and using it to improve the curriculum. Explain and support the strategies you will use to engage your faculty in analyzing and synthesizing the data and relating it to the corresponding standards. Explain how you will engage faculty in analyzing the knowledge, reasoning, skills, product, and disposition targets that are included in the standards identified as areas of concern. Use the table below to display these components of the curriculum.
Types of learning targets
LTs included in the standard
Knowledge Target (what students will know. For example, facts, a definition, a concept, a rule.)
Reasoning Target (synthesis, analysis, classification, comparison, inference, deduce/ induce, evaluation)
Performance Skill Target (real time demonstration or physical performance, such as a read aloud, dribble the ball, converse in a second language)
Product Target (create a product) See textbook, pages 56 to 58.
Disposition (attitudes, interests, motivation, send of academic self-confidence.) See textbook, pages 58-59.


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