7CO04: The employee reward system is a motivational strategy used by organizations to encourage their employees to produce high-quality: Business research in People Practice Assignment, CIPD, UK

The employee reward system is a motivational strategy used by organizations to encourage their employees to produce high-quality work. As per Perkins & Jones, “There are three basic reasons generally given for the importance of rewarding employees, namely, to secure, retain and motivate” (Perkins & Jones, Reward Management, 2020, p. 19). From previous statements, it … Read more

Data Analytics

Provide the functional form of the predictive model for each algorithm. Train each model using different ratios of the trainset and visualize the performance of models using accuracy (y-axis) in terms of different ratios of trainsets (x-axis). Elaborate on the insights Apply ensemble methods (bagging, boosting, stacking) on the base models, evaluate the performance of … Read more

The Geopolitical, Economic and Legal Environment  

Faculty of Business and Law Assignment Brief Mode E and R Regulations Module Title:The Geopolitical, Economic and Legal Environment   Assignment Number2Module Code:7010SSL Assignment TitleMacro Analysis ReportModule Leader:Dr. Bentil Oduro Assignment Credits10     Release Date:15/05/23   Submission Date/Time:10/08/2023 at 18:00   Submission Time and Place:Submission through Turnitin ONLY    Assessment Information This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Please select a company from one of the … Read more

Personal & Professional Development

TASK: Complete the Personal Learning Plan below and submit as part of your skills demonstration Portfolio for this Module part 1 Provide a summary of your Work Experience and Educational Qualifications to date so far: I hold a Diploma of Early School Education from Ateneum University in Poland. During my time there, I gained a … Read more

5LA533: Mark died in January 2021, leaving his residuary estate to his sole executrix, Justine, to hold on trust for his children: Equity and Succession Assignment, UD, UK

Mark died in January 2021, leaving his residuary estate to his sole executrix, Justine, to hold on trust for his children, Danny and Sabrina. In December 2021, Justine withdrew £10,000 from the estate’s trust account and paid £5,000 each to Mark’s nieces, Marie and Pamela. She did this in the mistaken belief that the terms … Read more

Assessment 1 Week-6: UML Modelling for a shopping mall

Assessment 1(    ) Information and Rubric Subject Code ICT505Subject Name Software DevelopmentAssessment Number and Title Assessment 1 Week-6: UML Modelling for a shopping mallAssessment TypeLab ActivityLength / Duration 45 MinutesWeighting % 10%Total Marks 100SubmissionOnline SubmissionDue DateWeek-6 (Sunday 23:59)ModeFace-to-Face in class IndividualFormatResponse to Q/A on a world file and submit via link provided. Assessment Description and Instructions The purpose of this assessment … Read more


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