What is the purpose of the reading response assignment? The purpose of the reading response assignment is to help you engage critically with the assigned literary works. It encourages you to think deeply about the texts, understand them better, and record your personal interpretations and feelings.

Feminist literary criticism has emerged as a powerful lens through which we can examine and deconstruct gender dynamics in classic literature (Smith, 2019). By applying feminist theories, we can gain a deeper understanding of how gender roles, stereotypes, and power imbalances are portrayed in literary works. In this essay, we will explore two classic texts, “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen and “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë, through the feminist critical lens.


Summary of “Pride and Prejudice”

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is a novel set in the early 19th century, revolving around the life of Elizabeth Bennet, a strong-willed and independent young woman. The story explores themes of marriage, social class, and gender roles. Elizabeth challenges societal norms by refusing to marry for financial security alone, a bold act that was unconventional for her time (Austen, 2017).

Analysis of “Pride and Prejudice”

Feminist literary criticism reveals that Elizabeth Bennet can be seen as a proto-feminist character. She defies societal expectations by valuing personal compatibility and respect in a marriage rather than financial stability. This challenges the prevailing notion that women were primarily commodities traded in the marriage market. Through Elizabeth’s character, Austen critiques the limited options available to women and their lack of agency (Smith, 2019).

Furthermore, the novel exposes the power imbalances between men and women. Mr. Darcy’s initial pride and Elizabeth’s prejudice are rooted in their gendered social roles. However, as the story progresses, both characters learn to overcome their biases and grow as individuals. This transformation highlights the potential for breaking free from traditional gender norms (Austen, 2017).

Summary of “Jane Eyre”

“Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë is a bildungsroman novel that follows the life of its titular character, Jane Eyre. Raised in a harsh orphanage, Jane becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with her employer, Mr. Rochester. The novel explores themes of independence, love, and self-respect (Brontë, 2021).


Analysis of “Jane Eyre”

Through the feminist lens, “Jane Eyre” portrays a strong and independent female protagonist who refuses to conform to the passive, submissive role expected of women in the 19th century. Jane Eyre seeks love and companionship but refuses to compromise her self-respect and principles for it. Her assertiveness in expressing her desires and demanding equality in her relationship with Mr. Rochester challenges the traditional gender hierarchy (Smith, 2019).


In conclusion, both “Pride and Prejudice” and “Jane Eyre” offer valuable insights into the portrayal of women in classic literature. These works, when analyzed through feminist literary criticism, reveal the subversion of gender norms and the empowerment of female characters. They serve as powerful examples of how literature can reflect and critique societal expectations related to gender roles.


Austen, J. (2017). Pride and Prejudice. Vintage Classics.

Brontë, C. (2021). Jane Eyre. Penguin Classics.

Smith, E. (2019). Feminist Literary Criticism Today. Feminist Press.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Reading Response Assignment

1. What is the purpose of the reading response assignment? The purpose of the reading response assignment is to help you engage critically with the assigned literary works. It encourages you to think deeply about the texts, understand them better, and record your personal interpretations and feelings.

2. How should I structure my reading response? Each reading response should start with a concise one-to-three sentence summary of the text, including the title, author, major characters, and setting. Following the summary, you should provide a well-developed analysis discussion, where you apply a chosen critical approach to the text.

3. Can you explain the critical approach mentioned? The critical approach refers to the lens through which you will analyze the text. For this assignment, feminist literary criticism is emphasized. This means you will explore gender dynamics, roles, and power imbalances in the texts, potentially by discussing characters, symbols, metaphors, or by interpreting the text’s meaning within its time period.

4. Are there any specific formatting requirements for the assignment? Yes, your response should adhere to specific formatting guidelines. Use a 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and follow MLA format. Maintain 1-inch margins on all four sides of the document.

5. How long should each reading response be? Each reading response should be approximately 350-400 words long. This word count includes both the summary and the analysis discussion.

6. Can I include quotes from the text? Yes, you are encouraged to include quotes from the primary text to support your analysis. Quoting directly from the text can help illustrate your points effectively.



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