Strategic Management Assignment

Assignment Report Outline

Page 1: Cover-sheet

Page 2: Title page

Page 3: Executive Summary

What is the report all about?
What you tried to cover in report?
What theories and models you have tried and discussed in the report?
What the report tries to find out?

Page 4: Table of contents (Or can use the Microsoft Office auto table of contents)

Chapter no.               Title Page                                                      No.

Page 5: Chapter 1: Introduction

Brief intro to strategic management. (Authors Definition)
     Importance of strategic management for business organization.
 Brief introduction of Selected Company. (Properly referred)


2.1 Strategic management and its key attributes

Describe the features of strategic management
Explain the stages of the strategic management process.
Explain the role of vision in strategic management
Explain the role of mission in strategic management
Explain the role of objectives in strategic management.
Enumerate the steps involved in preparing strategic objectives.
State the vision, mission and objectives of the selected company

 2.2 Strategic Management Analysis Tools

Briefly discuss environmental scanning, environmental monitoring, and collecting competitive intelligence as inputs to forecasting.
Identify the tools used in analyzing the firm’s external environment
Describe the tools identified above.
Identified the tools used in analyzing the firm’s internal environment
Describe the tools identified above.
How the Internet and digitally based capabilities are affecting the five competitive forces and industry profitability.

Chapter 3: Strategies practised in sustaining competitive advantage

 3.1 Business-level strategy practised in sustaining competitive advantage  

Discuss the generic business level strategies.
Briefly discuss the difference between focus strategy from differentiation strategy and cost leadership strategy.
Explain the various generic competitive advantage strategies in relevance to selected company.
Briefly discuss the Blue Ocean Strategy and how is it different from Red Ocean Strategy.
Discuss the strategies followed in the stages of the life cycle of the Industry and its implications,
Identify the stage in which selected company as per life-cycle

3.2 Formulating corporate level and international strategy by an organization

Discuss the various corporate level strategies followed.
Discuss the various types of diversification in creating organizational value
Briefly discuss the reasons for firms to go International.
Explain the various types of international strategies for creating value in global markets
Discuss the various types of international strategies for creating value in global m
Explain the various generic competitive advantage strategies in relevance to selected company.


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