What will you do during this time? • What prompting questions might you need to prepare? • How will you cater for individual differences?That is, how can you challenge the more able students, and/or scaffold learning for students needing extra help Student Actions / Tasks What will the student

Lesson Plan (Primary) primary levels (i.e. P–2, 3–4, 5–6
Lesson title: Year level:
Topic: Duration of lesson:
Lesson rationale: What influenced your lesson choice? (E.g. student interest, global/local event)
Students background knowledge: What is your starting point? What do the students already know? What have they done before? How does this lesson connect to or build on their existing knowledge?
Example: The students have had a few experiences with the Scratch Jnr programming App and playing with … .
Learning objectives: What will the students learn?
Example: Students will learn to:
• create an animation using Scratch Jnr
• debug their Scratch Jnr code Learning environment and resources: Where will this lesson take place? (E.g. indoors or outdoors). What resources will you need to have prepared?
Assessment strategies: How will you identify what the students have learnt and how will you record this?
Examples could include: A checklist (e.g. correct use of equipment, work as part of a team); anecdotal records; peer and self assessment; students maintaining a journal or portfolio with images, data collected, findings.
Stage of Lesson
time Pre-service Teacher’s Actions
• What will you do during this time?
• What prompting questions might you need to prepare?
• How will you cater for individual differences?That is, how can you challenge the more able students, and/or scaffold learning for students needing extra help Student Actions / Tasks
What will the students be doing during this time?
Stage 1: Introduction
How will you gain the students’ attention, engage the interest of the students and introduce the concept(s)?
Stage 2:
Body of lesson
Describe each activity and the order in which they will be undertaken.
Stage 3: Conclusion
How will you draw the lesson ideas together so that the students can evaluate what they have learnt? How will you prepare the students for the next task?
The following checklist has been provided to support you in completing
Assignment 2: Folio.
The checklist has been designed to enable you to check that you have met the requirements of each of the three artefacts that will comprise your final folio.
Artefact 1: Two lesson plans Does your folio include two lesson plans, across two different primary levels (i.e. P–2, 3–4, 5–6), one of which includes the Design and Technologies subject, and the other which includes the Digital Technologies subject? Do each of your lesson plans include the following? Identify the lesson title, year level and the topic (such as the technology context) that is the focus of your plan.
Rationale: Why did you choose this topic? Underpin the knowledge, conceptual understanding and relevance for the age group. Objectives: What do you intend for the children to learn/develop skills in?
Resources: Where will the lesson take place and what resources will you require? Inclusion of teaching strategy/strategies you would use that are effective and contextually relevant.
Assessment: How will you identify what the students have learnt and how will you record this? Detail the actions that you (as a teacher) will be doing and the actions of students in engaging with the lesson, broken into three parts: introduction, body of lesson, and conclusion. Do your two lesson plans combine for meet the approximate 1000 word limit?
Artefact 2: Critical reflection Does your folio include your critical reflection upon the two lesson plans you developed, with a written rationale discussing how the lesson plans demonstrate your understanding of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies. Does the rationale of your critical reflection address how you plan to apply your knowledge of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies to enable all children to develop skills and knowledge within different contexts, including how they can be used to support other disciplines such as literacy, numeracy, history, and/or science.
Is your critical reflection approximately 500 words in length?
Artefact 3: Professional learning and development presentation Is your professional learning and development presentation within the required time limit? (3 or 4 minutes) Does your professional learning and development presentation include? A brief description of the activity, including the year level being targeted and any relevant authentic context that could be used for the basis of this activity An explanation on why you selected this particular activity over others that you may have considered (e.g. consider the 21st century skills that you might be focusing on) for the same topic/technological context A description of the possible teaching approaches that can be used (e.g. peer collaboration) An explanation on what formative assessment might be undertaken or considered involving the activity
Over the duration of the unit, you will gather and articulate your understanding of the learning from this unit within a folio. This folio will be a collection of your learning from this unit, demonstrating your professional knowledge and ability to plan and implement Technologies across the curriculum.
Your final folio will comprise of the following three artefacts:
1. Two lesson plans demonstrating your understanding of Design and Technologies, and Digital Technologies, across two different primary levels.
2. A critical reflection for how the lesson plans demonstrate your understanding of the importance of the Technologies curriculum in developing the essential future skills that are expected of your students.
3. A short professional learning presentation on one of the main Design and Technologies or Digital Technologies activities that you have created as part of Artefact 1.
Artefact 1: Two lesson plans (approximately 1000 words)
You will need to develop two lesson plans, across two different primary levels (e.g. P–2, 3–4, 5–6), one that includes the Design and Technologies subject, and the other that includes the Digital Technologies subject. Each one of the two plans must include the following:
• Identify the lesson title, year level and the topic (such as the technology context) that is the focus of your plan.
• Rationale: Why did you choose this topic? Underpin the knowledge, conceptual understanding and relevance for the age group.
• Objectives: What do you intend for the children to learn/develop skills in?
• Resources: Where will the lesson take place and what resources will you require?
• Inclusion of teaching strategy(ies) you would use that are effective and contextually relevant.
• Assessment: How will you identify what the students have learnt and how will you record this?
• Detail the actions that you (as a teacher) will be doing and the actions of students in engaging with the lesson, broken into three parts: introduction, body of lesson, and conclusion.
Artefact 2: Critical reflection (approximately 500 words)
Critically reflect on the two lesson plans that you have developed, and write a rationale discussing how the lesson plans demonstrate your understanding of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies.
Your rationale should include a critical reflection on how you plan to apply your knowledge of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies to enable all children to develop skills and knowledge within different contexts, including how they can be used to support other disciplines such as literacy, numeracy, history, and/or science. In reflecting on the Technologies curriculum, you should consider the need to build innovation capabilities in our students and why there is an emphasis on 21st century skills.
This part should be written in first person and supported by literature. References must be presented in APA referencing style. The reference list does not contribute to the word count.
Artefact 3: Professional learning and development presentation (3–4 minutes)
Teaching is a collegial profession. There are many opportunities and quite often, expectations that you will share your knowledge with your peers, either as part of a school’s internal professional learning program or through other external professional development events (e.g. conferences, workshops). This part of the assignment provides the opportunity for you to share one of the two activities that were central to the two innovative lesson plans you have created as part of Artefact 1 in 8.8 Discussion 2: Assignment 2 presentation.
You will share your chosen activity with your peers as part of a museum exhibit through a multimedia video uploaded to YouTube. You should include this link in your 8.8 Discussion 2: Assignment 2 presentation post. You must also include the link embedded within your assignment document, and you must ensure that this link can be accessed by your eLA.
See the ‘YouTube’ section of Assignment toolsLinks to an external site. for instructions to assist with the submission process and steps on how to provide your eLA with the correct link to your presentation. If the link does not work, or the video cannot be played (e.g. due to permission issues), you will receive a no pass for this artefact.
As part of your presentation you will:
• provide a brief description of the activity, including the year level being targeted and any relevant authentic context that could be used for the basis of this activity
• explain why you selected this particular activity over others that you may have considered (e.g. consider the 21st century skills that you might be focusing on) for the same topic/technological context
• describe possible teaching approaches that can be used (e.g. peer collaboration)
• explain what formative assessment might be undertaken or considered involving the activity.
You might wish to consider creating a prototype solution to your selected activity and sharing this with the class. The prototype is a way of showing what you are expecting your students to produce as part of the lesson involving the chosen activity.


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