Instructions Write a 1 1/2-2 page (double-spaced) informal essay, describing a l

Write a 1 1/2-2 page (double-spaced) informal essay, describing a live performance event you have seen. Performance event in this case is a broad term that can include live theatre, a concert, an athletic event, a religious ceremony–anything that involves a communal interaction between a live ‘player’ or ‘performer’ and you as an audience member.
In this paper, you should:
-Describe the event and its effect on you as an audience member. Think about how the fact that the performance was LIVE affected you. Would you have felt the same if the event were on television or were a motion picture? Why do live performance events affect us differently?
-Think about the ways in which this performance mirrored, challenged, or mocked (for example) society and societal norms. Is this an example of an event that mirrored reality or that was an answer to reality? What themes were promoted? What ideas were de-emphasized or not shown?
-Think about the different aspects that went into making the event. Detail some of the decisions/choices that were made, and how these decisions affected the performance.
Note: Short writing assignments are informal in tone, but should still be well organized and display correct grammar usage and correct spelling. Be sure to address all parts of the question and make connections to material in lecture and section as appropriate. These are assignments in which creativity and personal reactions should flourish.


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