Convincing investors to invest in your business

    How will you convince investors to invest in your business? Create a presentation using the following PowerPoint (no more than 12 slides) Notes •
The post Convincing investors to invest in your business first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



How will you convince investors to invest in your business? Create a presentation using the following
PowerPoint (no more than 12 slides)
• If you select one of the PowerPoint formats, include bullets, relevant images, and the like, do not include paragraphs or full sentences on the slides.
• Your presentation needs to impress the investors; make it creative and interesting while including all the relevant information.

Include the following topics in your presentation:
• Title Page
o Include the company name and your name.
• Outline of what the company does.
o What are you selling (product or services)
• Target Market.
o Who is the target market for your product or services?
• Market Size.
o How big is the market or industry on which you’re focusing?
o What are the growth opportunities?
• Competition.
o Who are your top 3 competitors?
• Your Management Team.
o Who runs the business?
o What are their roles and key skills?
• Business Model.
o How will your business make money?
• Financials.
o What key financial information does your audience need to decide whether to invest in you and your business?
• Funding
o How much are you asking from investors and the equity given in exchange?
o How will the funds from investors be used?
• Summary
o Why should the investors invest in this business and in you?

The post Convincing investors to invest in your business first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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