Ignite Change for Equity and Inclusion

Review the following: Article: ASCA: The School Counselor and Equity for All StudentsLinks to an external site. Video:Improving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in TeachingLinks to an
The post Ignite Change for Equity and Inclusion first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Review the following:

Article: ASCA: The School Counselor and Equity for All StudentsLinks to an external site.
Video:Improving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in TeachingLinks to an external site.
Respond to the following prompts forum by Wednesday:

Identify areas of personal bias and increase cultural competency through self-reflection activities.
Create professional development activities for school-level staff to explore systems of the school negatively affecting students of color.
Create K–12 anti-bias lesson plans.

The post Ignite Change for Equity and Inclusion first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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