Media Convergence

  Media Convergence can be defined as “The interlinking of computing and ICTs, communication networks, and media content that has occurred with the development and popularization
The post Media Convergence first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Media Convergence can be defined as “The interlinking of computing and ICTs, communication networks, and media content that has occurred with the development and popularization of the Internet, and the convergent products, services and activities that have emerged in the digital media space.” Convergence can also mean “the merger of people, resources, media technologies ,content, and industries. And as you are learning in the classroom, convergence is considered by many to be a potentially positive trend in the media today. It is a trend that now allows us to find news on Web sites…” In general, media convergence has many advantages, including the ease at which we get information. On the other hand, media convergence has led to information overload and restricted our activities given that we now spend more time with the media, especially social media.
Discuss the value of media convergence as well as the pitfalls in no more than 1,000 words


The post Media Convergence first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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