Social Justice and School Counseling

  Review:Video on Social JusticeLinks to an external site.and the ASCA National Model PDFLinks to an external site. Respond to the following prompts forum by Wednesday:
The post Social Justice and School Counseling first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Review:Video on Social JusticeLinks to an external site.and the ASCA National Model PDFLinks to an external site.

Respond to the following prompts forum by Wednesday:

Explain how school counselors promote social justice through the implementation of an ASCA National Model-based school counseling program.
Discuss how social justice is embedded throughout the four components of the ASCA National Model, and provide specific examples.
Explain the role data plays in advocating for social justice within your school counseling program.

The post Social Justice and School Counseling first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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