The Wild, Wonderful World of Supply Chains

  In making judgments, the early kings were perfect, because they made moral principles the starting point of all of their undertakings and the root of
The post The Wild, Wonderful World of Supply Chains first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


In making judgments, the early kings were perfect, because they made moral principles the starting point of all of their undertakings and the root of everything that was beneficial. This principle, however, is something that persons of mediocre intellect never grasp. Not grasping it, they lack awareness, and lacking awareness, they pursue profit. But while they pursue profit, it is absolutely impossible for them to be certain of attaining it.
~Lu Bu-Wei 246 B.C. Chinese Prime Minister
“Although a bold aspiration won’t by itself produce a multitude of nonconformist strategies, its absence always yields bland, me-too strategies. Whether the objective is growth in revenue, earnings, or efficiency, nonlinear innovation begins with unreasonable goals.”
~Gary Hamel
2A – Content: A “supply chain” is the system of organizations, people, technologies, activities, processes, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities transform natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer.
2A – For your 1st original post, explain the organizations, people, technologies, activities, processes, information, and resources involved in moving your product or service from a supplier to your customer at a local, national or global level.

200 words 3 references

2B – Content: According to Misner and Davis (1998), a business network is a strategically and systematically selected group of individuals who can be relied upon for referrals, knowledge, and support in vital areas of business.
For your second original post, describe the importance of networks in supporting you and your business.

The post The Wild, Wonderful World of Supply Chains first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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