Your CEO from Assignment 1 bought you argument and has agreed that some type of

Your CEO from Assignment 1 bought you argument and has agreed that some type of crisis communications preparation is necessary. However, she has decided that is really not something that she needs to be involved in. Her words were “Let the PR people handle it!”
Your task now is to lay out for her why effective leadership in a crisis is critical for an organization. She asked you to write a paper for the Board of Directors on why you see this as a good way for her to spend her time. You will need to address at least the following issues:
Why should a leader be actively involved in responding to a cisis?
Why is visibility of a leader in a crisis important?
Why is openness and honesty key?
What role can a leader play in renewal for an organization?
What can a leader do to manage uncertainty?
Refer to material included in Chapter 7 of our readings, and also weave in examples from Chapter 8 to illustrate your points. Augment the readings with other news stories you find online to.
Assignment 2 should be at least 4 pages long, 1.5 line spacing,1” margin.


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