Describe a person, place, or scene that represents Miami to you. TIP: Make sure to include the elements of descriptive writing indicated in the preceding lesson: sensory details (sounds, tastes, smells, colors)

Describe a person, place, or scene that represents Miami to you. TIP: Make sure to include the elements of descriptive writing indicated in the preceding lesson: sensory details (sounds, tastes, smells, colors) figurative language (similes, metaphors, hyperbole, personification, etc.), and spatial organization (above, below, to the right/left, inside/outside, etc.). Do not simply TELL them what they see, hear, smell, etc (in other words, avoid an informative essay mode). Instead, you want to SHOW your reader what it looks like, how it sounds, what it smells like, what the things you eat there taste like, etc. You may also include details such as names of places and people to help situate the experience, but the focus should be on the sensory experience. Show readers what the person, place, or scene feels like. When it comes to details, the more specific and sensory they are, the better.


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