Introduction Demographics and Cultural DiversityEvery day, employees face differ

Demographics and Cultural DiversityEvery day, employees face different environments that have a multitude of different demographic traits. There is a vast difference throughout the world in how this is treated legally and culturally. An example would be the United Kingdom and Canada, which have their unique iteration of how the country handles equal employment legislation. Demographic and Cultural Diversity help employees and leaders alike to learn the vast importance of how employees with disabilities, women, older employees, employees of different religions, and employees of different races are treated and show the large variation throughout the societal construct.
Diversity, Culture, and EthicsTo run a successful organizational behavior program, leaders must ensure that ethicality is a top priority for employee satisfaction. No matter where in the world you work or go to school, there will be a substantial number of different backgrounds and demographic traits. Leaders look at their traits, and each leader’s interpretation of ethics may vary. Leaders react to situations differently in societies that may be ethical or unethical, depending on your location.
Organizational CultureTo run a successful organizational behavior program, leaders must ensure that ethicality is a top priority for employee satisfaction. No matter where in the world you work or go to school, there will be a substantial number of different backgrounds and demographic traits. Leaders look at their traits, and each leader’s interpretation of ethics may vary. Leaders react to situations differently in societies that may be ethical or unethical, depending on your location.
Reading Assignment
As you read through the resources and watch the videos consider the following:
Do you think that corporations that have multinational locations throughout the world practice the same ethical guidelines at every location?
What if every person in the world was treated with respect and dignity, regardless of sex, gender, nationality, or religion?
What would a company look like without a shared belief within the organization?
Read 20 – Recommendation reports. In Howdy or hello? Technical and professional communication.
Review the chapter on recommendation reports. This resource will help you complete the Written Assignment for this unit. Use the Recommendation Report template provided in the Written Assignment to complete the report.
Read the following from your textbook, Organizational Behavior
Chapter 2Chapter 2.1: Doing Good as a Core Business Strategy: The Case of Goodwill Industries
Chapter 2.2: Demographic Diversity
Chapter 2.3: Cultural Diversity
Chapter 2.4: The Role of Ethics and National Culture
Chapter 2.5: Managing Diversity for Success: The Case of IBM
Chapter 2.6: Conclusion
Chapter 15Chapter 15.1: Building a Customer Service Culture: The Case of Nordstrom
Chapter 15.2: Understanding Organizational Culture
Chapter 15.3: Characteristics of Organizational Culture
Chapter 15.4: Creating and Maintaining Organizational Culture
Chapter 15.5: Creating Culture Change
Chapter 15.6: The Role of Ethics and National Culture
Chapter 15.7: Clash of the Cultures: The Case of Newell Rubbermaid
Chapter 15.8: Conclusion
ReferencesOrganizational behavior. (2017). University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. licensed under CC BY-NC-SA.
Texas A&M English 210 OET Committee. (2022). 20 – Recommendation reports. In Howdy or hello? Technical and professional communication. PB Pressbooks.
Discussion Assignment
In the discussion forum, you are expected to participate often and engage in deep levels of discourse. You are required to post an initial response to the question/issue presented in the Forum by Sunday evening and then respond to at least 3 of your classmates’ initial posts. You should also respond to anyone who has responded to you.
To guide you with your response to the prompt for this discussion, refer to Chapter 15, Understanding Organizational Culture in the Organizational Behaviour textbook. Culture, or shared values within the organization, may be related to increased performance.
Select an organization that you worked for, or one that you know of that has shared values.
Provide the company’s name.
Explain the relationship between the company’s organizational culture and performance with respect to success indicators such as revenues, sales volume, market share, and stock prices.
Your Discussion should be a minimum of 200 words in length and not more than 500 words. Please include a word count. Following the APA standard, use references and in-text citations for the textbook and any other sources used.
Written Assignment
An organization with a poor diversity program may not have a diverse workforce. There will be a lack of leaders striving to influence participation and no representation from diverse groups. Poor implementation of a diversity program can adversely affect adaption successes in an organization.
You have recently been promoted to the position of Human Resource Director at Global Business Resources, LTD. Upon your employment, you review the company’s goals and vision and notice that it does not address diversity. More importantly, your review of the employee history shows the company’s lacks of a diverse workforce. Your goal is to present to the Chief Operations Officer and Chief Executive Officer the benefits of a diversity program. You will also have to address the challenges of how the program can create a more satisfied workforce. Remember, diversity refers to the ways in which people are similar or different from each other.
Prepare a one- to two-page, (double-spaced) recommendation report that makes a logical and well-reasoned description of the challenges associated with diversity and culture and how a diversity program will enhance the organization. Use and cite at least two sources which may be material in our textbook or additional sources from the internet, the LIRN, or other sources to which you have access.
Before completing this assignment, read 20 – Recommendation Reports and use the Recommendation Report template to complete the assignment.
Cite references to material that you use in preparing the essay using the American Psychological Association (APA) style.
For assistance with APA format, refer to the LRC: Academic Writing.
To access LIRN refer to the LRC: Online Library.
AssessmentYou will be peer-assessed on the following criteria:
Provides a clear description of how a diversity program empowers an organization with details and examples.
Explains how a diversity program will produce a more satisfied workforce.
Cites a minimum of two sources (APA format) and includes a reference page
Recommendation Report contains all components of a recommendation report.
The report is well-written and free of grammatical and spelling errors.
ReferenceTexas A&M English 210 OET Committee. (2022). 20 – Recommendation reports. In Howdy or hello? Technical and professional communication. PB Pressbooks.
Learning Journal
The Learning Journal should be updated regularly (on a weekly basis), as the learning journals will be assessed by your instructor as part of your Final Grade.
In this Unit, you learned that all ethical considerations within an organization can be seen as ethical or unethical depending on where you are in the world.
What would you do if you were in a work center with ethical and cultural differences? As an example, an organization where employees harbor unfair prejudices against cultures and religions other than their own. The front office team is a primary contributor to these biases but firmly believes it’s all in “fun.” Your back office team does not like the current situation, and many say they will be quitting if you do not fix the issue with the front office team. What would you do? Explain why.
Be sure that your Learning Journal entry is a minimum of 400 words and not more than 700 words.
Your learning journal will be instructor assessed using the rubric located on the main course page in this Unit’s learning journal.
The following textbook will be used for BUS 4402 Organizational Behavior:
Organizational behavior. (2017). University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Add in-text citations and references used from the reading assignment


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