As a follow up to your last DQ and selected reading, create your own claim in support or opposition of the writer’s argument. In a 1000-word, develop an argument in which you support yo

As a follow up to your last DQ and selected reading, create your own claim in support or opposition of the writer’s argument. In a 1000-word, develop an argument in which you support your point-of-view using varied forms of evidence. 


Create a clear claim and conduct preliminary research, critically examining sources 

Although at this stage you may not yet have all the answers to the posed problem, try to explore possible solutions 
Use at least two viable external sources 

Paraphrase, quote, and summarize as needed to avoid plagiarism

 But maintain ownership by selectively and briefly embedding others’ views 

Examine possible objections to your point of view; consider acknowledging strong points made by the opposition in at least one paragraph.

You cannot ‘see’ your opposition, so research opposing views 

The post As a follow up to your last DQ and selected reading, create your own claim in support or opposition of the writer’s argument. In a 1000-word, develop an argument in which you support yo first appeared on Writeden.


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